Better Quality of Life
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Let us help you think about, document and communicate
your wishes so you receive the care you want.
At any age and in any health circumstance, people want a say in their healthcare. These decisions are based on what matters most to them — perhaps it’s being independent, wanting to ease decisions that others may have to make, spiritual beliefs, or having a good quality of life.
This process is called Advance Care Planning, and it’s all about making sure your voice is heard.
How to improve your Advance Care Planning (ACP) HEDIS measure
All HEDIS quality measures are important, but some are easier to move the dial than others. While rarely done without prompting, creating an advance care plan for medical decisions is one measure that can be dramatically improved, at scale, with... READ MORE
Most likely there will come a time when we all will need to make decisions about our health and the care we will receive. Thinking in advance about the choices we want helps to eliminate some of the burden during... READ MORE